As individuals, each of us is experiencing a unique life, filled with distinctive lessons, unique upbringing, tendencies and education, and therefore have developed a particular set of skills based on what we have been taught and our innate abilities.

As humans we tend to not reflect on our gifts and potential, instead spending more time finding the things that we perceive are wrong or not good enough about ourselves. In this life we all show up with a gift and I believe it is for our best interest to figure out what that thing is that we are uniquely brilliant at.

Have you taken the time to figure out what yours are?


Taking the time to reflect on our lives, experiences and desires can bring to the forefront what our true gifts and purpose are. Our unique abilities, difficulties and successes lead us to create a vision of ourselves that help us determine what we are good at and what we desire to share with the world. Our unique abilities, the problems that we have been faced with and have overcome lay the ground for the path that our lives are journeying and can help us determine ways to create the life we desire.

Have Faith

Our faith is the belief in ourselves that allows us to embark on a journey even when the outcome of that path may be unknown. When we choose to live out loud and share our passion, it takes determination, tenacity, and massive action. Through faith, we confidently take steps, knowing that our efforts and abilities will allow us the chance to make our ultimate vision of life happen.

“Optimism, positivity and faith create the foundation from which success can be built.” – Sharon Lecter

Failure is a Choice

While living in an era of instant gratification, we must learn the virtue of patience. As we put out to the universe what we wish to create, the timeline of the universe may take longer than we expect. As obstacles get in the way, we must learn to see these as the lessons needed to be able to learn what we need to create our ultimate success. When we are faced with inevitably challenges through our path, we must learn to see these as obstacles to be overcome instead of finite failures that stop us in our tracks.

“Failure is our inability to learn a lesson and unwillingness to attempt it one more time.” – Johanna Godinez

The end result that we desire will take as long as it needs to take for the process to come full circle. Courage is what allows us to understand that our current circumstance, although may be challenging, are only temporary and giving up is final. As challenges arise in our lives, we must learn to see them as lessons that are setting us up for greater days ahead.

Shift Your Perspective

Many times, we focus on the issues or what is going wrong. As we shift our perspective and begin looking at our gifts, accomplishments and lessons the situations we are looking at begin to change. When we are focused solely on the problem, we fail to see the potential solutions, as our minds can only focus on but not both simultaneously.

When we are able to shift our perspective, challenges no longer become obstacles that hold us back, but lessons that propels us forward.

Shifting our energy from hopelessness to hopefulness will allow us the ability to take what we learn from our challenges so we can use that to create our most masterful life.

Find the Opportunity

“Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” – Napoleon Hill

As we make our plans and establish our goals, we gain clarity on what we desire to create, however, things do not always turn out exactly as we have planned. Often when challenges arise, we become disillusioned with our progress and begin to doubt ourselves or our ability to accomplish what we have set out to achieve. Once we are able to shift our perspective, these challenges no longer become obstacles that hold us back, but lessons that propels us forward.