In life we have duality which allows us to experience; the ups and downs; the darkness and light; the challenges and successes. We are faced with so many events, some that bring us joy and some that bring us down; birthdays, promotions, graduations, breakups, deaths, uncertainty in our careers, or unfulfilled expectations.

As we ace situations that make us feel lost, or confused, it is important that we take the time process, understand, and address how the situation is affecting us and why, so that we don’t allow it to shift our perspective of life.

As we are faced with difficult circumstances we should recognize the opportunity tough situations give us to to discover what we require to properly deal with what comes up and be able to move forward from the darkness to the light. When we take time to reflect on our choices, actions, reactions, and decisions, we can appreciate the overall state of our lives and determine if it is allowing us to be present and living our life to fullest.

When we reflect on ourselves, our lives and our direction in life, we can notice if our thoughts, words and actions are aligned with the life that we desire. As we embody gowing and living our life with purpose, we may hit bumps on the road, but as long as we remain flexible and accept the challenges we are faced with, we can spark the flame that will fuel the next chapter of our life.

By visualizing our desires and having faith in ourselves, we can keep the large picture in our mind as we are faced with tough situations or become overwhelmed when we are unsure of whatb path to take. However, as we continue to take action, and having faith that we are able to create the life we desire, even if we  “hit rock bottom”, we can recognize that challenges are only temporary, whereas giving up is final.

Challenges are there to teach us lessons; that allow us to shift our judgements about ourselves and our situations. As we begin to accept the lessons life offers us and we release any fear, guilt or regret that we are carrying with us into from the past, we can be honest with ourselves as to what parts we have to play in every situation that we have faced in our life. And yes! We always have a part to play in everything that is happening in our lives.

In this world of duality, where we are constantly faced with decisions, actions and consequences that at any moment may trigger inevitable changes, we need to find a way to remember that in our darkest hours that we are set up for greater days ahead.

When we are struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel, we must find hope for brighter days ahead, by shifting our energy from hopelessness to hopefulness, we can start to attract and create those brighter days for ourselves.